I work with personal development and health in a holistic perspective, in the form of online intuitive coaching and bioresonance therapy.
Feel good in a time of great change
It has been a tumultuous and different time for most of us. Many have had time to become frustrated, angry, scared, but also enjoyed having time with family and themselves – and much else in between. Many questions and considerations arise when you have time to think, feel and be. We have reevaluated a lot in our lives, how we work, socializing with family and friends. What will our lives be like now?

Many questions
We may need help both in terms of energy (energy balancing) and to sort out thoughts and feelings through conversation, gain new perspectives. The answers are within each of us, is what is happening really an opportunity to create something else in life, what we have longed for?
You can develop YOUR intuition to create joy and abundance in your life. You can start a magical inner journey, gain new insights and inspiration to create the change in your life you desire.
When I moved to the Algarve coast in Portugal in 2019, my intention was to invite feel-good stays here for everyone looking for a developing, but relaxing and inspiring holiday by the sea, but it was not possible to travel as we all know. Maybe it can become a reality soon. You can book online coaching, bioresonance therapy available in Algarve, Portugal.

All’s Well!